25 - 27 August 2021


James Otieno Jowi

James Otieno Jowi is the Principal Education Officer at the East African Community (EAC) where he coordinates the development and implementation of regional education programs. He is also currently the Acting Executive Secretary of the East African Kiswahili Commission.As Principal Education Officer at EAC, he is responsible for Harmonization of Education Systems of EAC, Mutual Recognition Agreements, EAC Centres of Excellence, TVET Harmonization among others. He is the founding Executive Director of the African Network for Internationalization of Education (ANIE).

He is currently a member of the ANIE Board and chairs the research committee. He holds a PhD from the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente, Netherlands; a Masters in Comparative & International Education, University of Oslo, Norway; a Master of Linguistics & Bachelor of Education from Moi University, Kenya. Before joining the EAC, he was a Senior Lecturer at the School of Education, Moi University, Kenya. He has several publications focused on higher education in Africa, especially on internationalization, governance and leadership. He also sits in the boards of several international organizations.